PARENTS & COMMUNITY - Communication Guidelines

 Our aim is to keep you informed by providing relevant and timely information about how your children are performing at school via:

  • Skoolbag
  • Facebook
  • School Newsletter
  • Semester reports (Term 2 & 4)
  • Parent/Teacher interviews
  • Informal feedback
  • Student Services

SKOOLBAG - Parents are encouraged to download the FREE App on their mobile/devices. Notifications are regularly sent out to parents using this App as it is an immediate way to communicate information, events are posted regularly on our closed Facebook page for parents to access.

Keeping up to date student records is very important  Please notify the front office of any changes, especially phone numbers and email addresses.

Office Hours:

School Administration staff are on duty from 8.00am to 3.30pm daily. School related matters should be dealt with within these times where possible.

Office Phone lines: 9777 7600


The publication below: Talking to my School provides further information about how to contact, and who to contact with any queries or concerns.
