PARENTS & COMMUNITY - Student Health and Wellbeing

Health Professionals

Various Health Professionals visit the school throughout the year. If you wiah to discuss your child's health, you can request an appointment by contacting the School Health Nurse on either 9772-5298 or at the Nursing Post 9776-7080.

School Psychologist

The school has access to School Psychologists from the Warren Blackwood District Education Office. Visits are made on a regular basis, however can be pre-arranged if necessary. Contact the school or your child's teacher to organise an appointment. School Psychologists are able to test students for a variety of reasons ranging from academic needs to social needs. Teachers can refer students as can parents. The Psychologist can also assist in the area of career guidance for the workforce or further education. All contact is strictly confidential. 


In accordance with the Department of Education's Student Health Care in School's Policy written permission must be provided befor teachers can administer medication to students. If the medication is prescribed, two forms are required:

  • From the doctor
  • From the parent


Northcliffe District High School has regular visits from our Chaplain Meryl Guimelli who assists in supporting the wellbeing of students, by providing pastoral care this ensures our students are given a feeling of belonging, and support in developing a positive self-image. This is underpinned by a positive school environment where teacher-student relationships are based on trust and respect, and each student's physical, social, intellectual and emotional development is promoted, whilst encouraging strong partnerships between the school, parents and community.

Dental Van

The Dental Therapy van is scheduled to visit the school once a year. Dates are advertised in the school newsletter. 

The Dental van phone number is 0409-935-793.

 In in emergency, parents are able to access the Dental Service at Manjimup Primary School. Appointments must be made prior to arrival at van.

Swimming Lessons

All Children from years 1-7 will be involved in swimming lessons during Term 3 or 4. These lessons are part of the Physical Education Program. The lessons are held at the Manjimup Aquatic Centre with the travel cost subsidised through the P & C.